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505 Games

Launch… Control

International success

    • 2,000,000
    • Impression
    • 54,000
    • Engagements
    • 1,000,000
    • Views

The what: Push Control and its DLC into the mind of gamers

We rolled out the campaign on a multinational level with 3 different territories and two social platforms reaching many hardcore gamers! Leading to great excitement for the upcoming launch…

The launch of Control in 2019 and the subsequent DLC release in December, 505 wanted to push their product to the forefront of gamers' mouths and minds, creating the much needed community buzz around the title.

The how: Curated the right influencers in the right demographics

To push the success of Control and its DLC we scoured the internet to find the perfect fit influencers for the 505 brief.

Sourcing influencers across 3 different territories to promote the launch of the DLC who launched an array of content highlight the very best of what the game is about 

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